God’s silence doesn’t mean His absence. Just because you can’t see or hear God, that doesn’t negate His presence and active work behind the scenes. Base your movement on Who you know and what you know about Him, not on what you are seeing and feeling at the moment.
Our daily obedience to God ought not to rest on His immediate actions in our lives, but rather grow out of a heart of reverence and fear. The fear of the Lord is not the same as the fear we understand. This is not the fear of a wife who is terrified of an abusive husband. This fear does not say, “I have to be perfect or you will leave me.” Rather, this healthy revere-type fear is a lifestyle and attitude response to an assessment of another, a response that swells up within: admiration, love, respect in the highest form; an understanding of another’s power and authority, abilities and character, and potential to impact. Fearing God means reverencing Him for who He is and giving Him the respect that He is due.
When we fear the Lord, we understand a bit of God’s power, might, and holiness; God’s ability to bless or to destroy, to lift up or take down. This fear leads to obedience and results in blessing.