Continuing the ministry of Dr. Lois Evans

Lois Evans

Lois was married for nearly 50 years to her favorite pastor/teacher and best friend, Dr. Tony Evans, Senior Pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship. She has four children (Chrystal, Priscilla, Anthony, Jr., and Jonathan), thirteen grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.


Seasons of a Woman’s Life DVD Bible Study Kit now available


View the collection of videos from previous webinars from Lois Evans and others.

A Safe Place

A protected area specifically for Senior Pastors’ Wives to connect with each other to discuss topics and share wisdom.


Share prayer requests, network with other pastor wives and find some of Lois’ favorite recipes.


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Featured Offers

 Acts Vol 1 & 2 CDs + Kingdom Purpose book

Experience the Power of the Holy Spirit in Acts

Discover the unstoppable growth of the early church in Acts, a two-volume series by Dr. Tony Evans. Dr. Evans reveals how God worked through His people to advance His kingdom—equipping you to boldly live out your calling. With your gift of any amount, you’ll receive this inspiring series along with the Kingdom Purpose book. Donate today and let these messages empower you to trust God’s plan and walk in His power.

Current Offer: Encountering Jesus' Names CD Series + Power of Jesus' Names paperback book

Remembering God’s Faithfulness

Celebrate the countless times God has been there for you. Just like in the Old Testament, where people set up memorial stones to mark divine encounters, cherish these moments with the Stones of Remembrance bible study that includes uplifting video lessons by Chrystal Evans Hurst and Priscilla Shirer.

Moments with Lois & Friends

Moment 8

Unwrapping the Gift of Rest

Featuring Meredith Sheppard.
Are you struggling to get the rest you need as a busy pastor’s wife? Listen in as Meredith Sheppard helps us understand and value the gift of rest.

Moment 7

Confronting Life’s Challenges

Featuring Dr. Melissa Jones
Regardless of how we feel at any given time, we were built with the storms in mind.

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Latest Posts

You Can’t Brush Conflict Under The Rug

As a pastor’s wife, you’ve likely had an experience or two with conflict. We all have! You’ve probably been going about your life, ministering to your families, communities, and God’s people with love, vision, and the truth of God’s Word….

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This Season Has My Purpose

In this life, we will all go through seasons. Some we will enjoy more than others. Seasons mean change. Some changes are anticipated and welcomed while others are not. Change is inevitable and is guaranteed to come our way at…

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Featured Book

Leading and Loving It

Lori Wilhite and Brandi Wilson offer a support system to help women make connections to get the encouragement that sustains them and become equipped for the ministry God has called them to pursue. They give readers tools for understanding that external pressures and expectations are only important if they fall in line with what God intends for your life and ministry and they give answers for how to deal with criticism, isolation, finding your personal calling, and what happens when you reach a place of burn-out, and more.

Affiliate Ministries

The Urban Alternative is a Christian Bible teaching and resource ministry founded over 40 years ago by Dr. Tony Evans. We aim to spread the teaching of God’s Word through Christian media with the goal of transforming lives.


Kingdom Agenda Pastors

Kingdom Agenda Pastors (KAP) is a Fellowship of Men who serve as Senior and Associate Pastors. The purpose of the KAP is to provide an alliance for like-minded pastors that embrace the Kingdom Agenda philosophy; which is the visible manifestation of the comprehensive rule of God over every area of life as reflected in the individual, family, church and community.


The National Church Adopt-a-School Initiative helps churches partner with local schools to transform individuals, families and communities. Through one-day training events, you will learn how to analyze the needs of your community, engage with a local school, recruit and develop volunteers and how to raise the necessary funds to support your endeavor.


Explore the kingdom anytime, anywhere. Courses on Bibliology, theology, family and more. New courses added every month.