Have you taken the time to listen lately? While the numbers suggested by experts vary dramatically, it can be safely assumed that the average person speaks millions of words in their lifetime! How much more for those of us who strive to share the gospel with others, teach our children how to make their way in the world, or stand on a stage and give speeches and lectures? In short, we all do a lot of talking. In the noise of all those spoken words, it can be difficult to hear the voice of God, but make no mistake, He is talking to us. My heart tells me that when God talks, we might want to listen.
Ecclesiastes 3:7 reminds us that there is “a time to be silent and a time to speak.” The truth is that we don’t have to be with a bunch of people to still be talking. At home, thinking about the week’s hectic schedule, preoccupied with our own thoughts, we’re still talking. Yet, the Lord delights in our quietness; Psalm 46:10 tells us to “be still and know” that He is God. It is in those quiet moments, when we choose to stop talking and start listening that the Lord reveals Himself to us.
So, make sure during the week of Bible studies, soccer games, board meetings, and making lunches, you take the time to quiet yourself and listen to the One who gives us something to say.