

As a pastor’s wife for 20 years, I have over and over again, seen people search for means of fulfilling themselves. I find it truly heartbreaking to watch. I have watched people who think money can buy their completeness. They work and work…save and save…buy and buy…yet still fill incomplete. Still others think human love can provide them with completeness. They move from imperfect relationship to imperfect relationship feeling unfulfilled. Still others think experience, education, adventure, and optimum health will bring completeness. However, it too leads to emptiness. In frustration many turn to drugs, alcohol, and other methods of self-medication, which further their feelings of incompleteness.

On the other hand and also heartbreaking, I have witnessed those who confess to know Jesus, yet do not realize Christ is sufficient. They want to add to the cross their good works, acts of service, or their own self-righteousness. They too, are searching for completeness. So often, I have witnessed people with this mindset become judgemental and bitter. Please understand, good works and service are wonderful and necessary, with correct motives. They are not a means of salvation, rather an out flowing of our love and gratitude for God’s grace. A manifestation of the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives to grow us and conform us to Christ.

Both of these situations burden my heart. The solution to incompleteness is clear…we are made complete in Christ. He is ALL we need! When we are in union with Jesus Christ we possess all that is required for our spiritual life and our holiness. It has been said that, whatever completes or fulfills a person…controls them. Pray you realize your completion in Christ…and live in the perfect peace that brings…today and always friends!

So you also are complete through your union with Christ. Colossians 2:10a

Rebecca Hasselbach has a passion for Jesus and this life He has given her. She enjoys sharing her love for Jesus through her role as a pastor’s wife. She loves God’s creation and enjoys spending as much time in it as possible. Rebecca also enjoys expressing herself through writing, and counts herself blessed that she gets to spend her time raising her children. To read more of Rebecca’s writing visit her blog www.beautyinthemoments.org