Where do you need help? We want to make sure we are providing resources that serve you well. Please tell us topics that are of interest to you. You can also submit specific questions you need answers to as well.

Where do you need help? We want to make sure we are providing resources that serve you well. Please tell us topics that are of interest to you. You can also submit specific questions you need answers to as well.
Keep doing a great job! Your walk is representation of true and healthy Christianity. #MinistryGoals
Pastor Evans,
I would like to hear you do a series on the book of Revelations please. If I have missed this some how please let me know. I praise God that he is using you and has strengthen you to carry on.
Today is July 23, 2020 3:20 AM:
After registering for the DFJ Event, I navigated to this webpage (How can we help you?) after purchasing Chrystal’s book on prayer. As I was reading Ms. Moore’s comment, I was drawn to the date and time of her posted comment (December 10, 2019 at 2:46 AM)! On December 11, 2019 at 3:25 AM, I began to draft a letter to Dr. Lois Evans. I was looking forward to becoming one of her many spiritual daughters. I had started the process of becoming a member of OCBF church. I was praying for the Lord to relocate my family from Odessa to the DFW area. When Pastor Evans announced that his wife was ill and requested prayer for her healing, I was paralyzed emotionally! I could not finish the letter I had started. I was in so much pain. Later, the Spiritual Mother I longed for was with the Lord! I did not have a chance to meet her! I never completed and mailed my letter. I am a 67 year old female conceived by rape. My mother was unable to show me love or just a hug. She passed away and my sibling had my mother buried the same day of her death to prohibit me from attending her funeral. It worked! I found out two days later. In my heart and spirit, Dr. Lois Evans was to be my Spiritual Mother! Later, COVID-19 delayed my Membership Class. Finally, June 13, 2020 I accepted the Right-Hand of Fellowship. I was the first candidate at the church. It was at that moment, I realized that while she left fingerprints all over Pastor Evans’ life; she left me her footsteps, for me to follow her, while she followed the footprints of Jesus Christ.
I would like to have a funeral program of Dr, Lois Evans’ Celebration and her last written book. (Please allow me, if available, to make a donation for my request.)
In Jesus Christ – Blessings!