By Lois Evans
One of the marks of a godly woman’s home is that her husband can feel secure because he has confidence that she will do what is right for him and for her family.
A lot of women read Proverbs 31 and wonder how all of these virtues could ever be true of them. One thing is certain: A solid, growing, and spiritually mature marriage takes time. But you have vowed, “Till death do us part.” So relax and enjoy your mate, because if it is the Lord’s will, you have a lifetime to lovingly work on the various adjustments and challenges that marriage and family bring.
Things might be tight in your marriage financially, emotionally, or in other ways right now, but a wife can still do her husband good by keeping the commitment she made on her wedding day. As Corrie Ten Boom once said, “There is no pit so deep that He is not deeper still.” This is a great lesson for a married couple to learn. There is no trial so deep that a husband and wife cannot meet it together in the strength God provides.
My sister in Christ, the best way I know to make today’s verse a reality in your home is to remember that you are your husband’s helpmate. You are his completer, not his competitor. A wife is functionally subordinate to her husband. She has a head who covers her (see 1 Cor. 11:3), although she is equal with her mate in essence and spiritual value.
A woman who honors her marriage commitment and knows how to accept God-given authority in her life will do her husband and her family good.
What do you when you are committed to your marriage but feel that your husband is not totally satisfied with you?
What do you do when you have been married for 35 years and you feel as if your marriage has ceased to exist. You spouse hides money tells you they don’t have any then turns right around and lends money to others right in front of you I know the husband is suppose to love his wife as Christ loves the church. But what if they are not following Jesus and they are one of the officers of the church.
My marriage is on the verge of ending. It seems like it gets harder every day. Would you pray for my marriage that we will not take the easy way out and quit . Thank you a