By Lois Evans
Today’s Christian women are being pressed on every side to conform to standards of this world. Unique opportunities in the areas of education and business have opened doors to women that were not available even half a century ago. While on the one hand Christian women should enjoy the benefits of these opportunities, we must be careful not to let this world system rearrange our biblical priorities.
Our priority as women ought always be to maintain a vital personal relationship with Jesus Christ. One of my favorite passages of Scripture is found in the book of Proverbs. This verse gives women the greatest guidance we could ever receive. It says, “Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised” (Prov. 31:30).
This “fear” is awe-filled respect that flows out of an ongoing relationship with Jesus Christ. Our careers, hobbies, and even our degrees must never overrule our daily intimacy and interaction with our Savior. An ongoing awareness of His presence and a devotion to His Word will give us stability, confidence, and direction as we pursue the various ministries God calls us into during each season of our lives.
So in whatever season you find yourself, Jesus Christ will give you the peace and victory you need to accomplish all that He has for you to do.
I was not able to register on the website can we pay at the door on July 17th?
How do I deal with my husband not showing me love?
Our barometer as Christian Women is Titus 2: 3-5. It also involves intentional discussions and communication with your husband, so he is totally in tune with your passion and heart for ministry. It is also important to keep in mind that ministry can be accomplished in every season of your life. The barometer should be your thermometer.
Our kids do get to an age where they do make their own decisions that are contrary from our training and investment. This is the time to pray, and advise when there is an open door, and most importantly trust that the Holy Spirit can take it from here. Proverbs 22:6. Also, fell free to let the child know how you feel as it relates to your grief.
How do you deal with forgiveness of infidelity when you’ve been married 17 years I want to forgive my husband but it is so hard help !
Alesia, I think Christian Counseling is the best solution for you. They are trained to walk you through scriptures and then how you can apply the scriptures in a constructive and technical way to achieve a process, and a progress path of forgiveness. Please access a counselor in your area, from our resource guide on the web site.
How do you share joyfully in ministry with a husband who you feel is threaten by your ministry?
Anonymous, I think there needs to be regularly schedule meetings to talk through what is happening in the ministry. Engage your husbands thoughts and ideas. Engage him by asking for his opinions. if there is no change, then there might be a need for you to be specific about your desire for him to be more excited about what God is doing in your ministry. Give him a chance to share why he might be feeling that your ministry is a threat. The last resort, would be to get the help of Christian Counselor. Our recourse guide on our web site, is a helpful tool in this regard.
I just finishing reading Dr. Evans book on Destiny…. It has truly blessed my life I will never be the same person again. Thanks for writing such a effective, powerful and awesome book.
Is the Women Conference held in July annually?
Yes, it is every July. For more information or to register please visit
I’m raising kingdom men without a kingdom man in my home. Went through a divorce several years ago. How do I continue to be the proverbs 31 women/ kingdom that God called me to be. The demands of life was great as a godly wife with a husband & seems greater at times now.