How I Lost 9 Pounds in 7 Days

A Kingdom Woman’s Prayer…

By Chrystal Evans Hurst

Chrystal Evans Hurst is a gifted writer, speaker, and worship leader. She is the eldest child of Dr. Tony and Lois Evans, so the Word of God has surrounded and guided her for her entire life. As a member of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, Chrystal assists her mom, Lois, in leading the women’s ministry and loves to encourage women toward a deeper relationship with the Lord. Her blog-Chrystal’s Chronicles- poignantly reflects her thoughts about her faith and day-to-day experiences. Most important, Chrystal is a dedicated wife and homeschooling mother of five. For more on Chrystal, visit her blog here.


You know my name. You see me and you care. You know where I’ve been and where I’m going. You are always present, always moving, and always ready to hear me when I call.

I am a woman — created and fashioned by you and born into this world for a purpose. You have blessed me with breath to sustain me, a body to carry me, and a spirit within me.

And you have asked me to do my best with this life that you’ve given me to live.

You have created me with purpose.
Help me to value my life. Help me to hope for the best. Help me to walk in excellence and exhibit the same commitment in my own life that you did in yours.

You have given me your power.
Never let me forget that anything I do – any action I take – should only be made as I walk in dependent faith on you. Never let me forget that it is only when I rely on you that I can experience your strength and power. Don’t let me go too long without talking to you and hearing from you. If I do, please whisper a reminder in my ear. When I struggle, bring to my memory all of the times that praying to you has brought me a solution or brought me sweet peace.

You have provided me with endless possibilities…
You have asked me to shine for you wherever I live, move, or in any place I have the opportunity to grace. And I desire to be a light for you. I desire to take your joy and love everywhere I go. Friends. Husband. Co-workers. Children. Parents. Neighbors. Let them all see how your love continues to change me for the better and let them want more of you because of the work you are doing in me. Never let me stop wholeheartedly pursuing you, or running in hot pursuit of the possibilities you have earmarked just for me.

And all of this because I love you… because you first loved me.

You showed me what it looks like to live with focus and purpose. You showed me what it was like to possess great power that comes from confident faith in Father God. You showed me what it looks like to break barriers, challenge tradition, and love hard. You taught me that anything is possible when a person lives a life that is yielded to the Master.

Lord help me to be a Kingdom Woman – a woman who can show the world what it looks like when a heart is freely given to you.

And sweet Jesus, thank you in advance for the love that you offer when I don’t quite hit the mark.

5 thoughts on “A Kingdom Woman’s Prayer…”

  1. Gennice Robinson

    Need healing on my body…so I to can cont…on the path God has me on….Divine Women of Purpose…created by God for a purpose to mentor to women for His kingdom….be bless

  2. This is my prayer…..I would like to add In my weakness please remind me of my strength the you have given me through your word and the words of your people. Amen.

  3. As a Pastor’s wife, this is the prayer that will keep your mind stayed on Jesus.

    Love it:
    First Lady Marilyn Williams

  4. This is awesome! I love this initiative where pastors’ wives are gathered and ministered to, because most times we spent our time giving out without refilling. And at the end, we become empty cans; living on past glory. I pray that God will strengthen this initiative and cause it to fulfil destiny. God bless you!

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