By Lois Evans
Perhaps there have been times in your life when you’ve felt like running from what God was calling you to do. If so, you wouldn’t be the first person who’s felt that way. Even the prophet Jeremiah was conflicted when it came to his calling. He said, “Lord, I can’t.” He had plenty of excuses: “I’m too young. I don’t have the experience. I’m not equipped.”
But 1 Corinthians 1:27 says that “God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise.” That means that if God has called you, He will equip you for what He is calling you to do.
God doesn’t always call the qualified, but He always qualifies the called!
Are you ready for Him to qualify you? Look in God’s face to hear directly from Him. He wants to speak to your heart—to tell you where He wants to take you in life. So walk forward in faith because as Philippians 1:6 says, “He who began a good work in you is faithful to complete it”!
Let’s talk about it:
What is God calling you to do?
To become a public speaker. We overcome by our testimony. I have been sexually abused at the age of 5 and again at age 8. Abducted by a parent at age 6. Depression in my teens! Stabbed in my late twenties. Born 2 children with disabilities and currently abandoned by my evangelist now ex husband. I believe my calling is to talk with women that have been victimized in some way. Pray for me. I’m unsure how to begin. God is tugging at me to get started.
I know you have a ministry with victimized women. God will be glorified as you teach his word. You go girl.
I have been called preach The Word and it is a battle. Please that I will write his messsage accurately and that I hear His voice through His Word. I always felt like i can’t do it or that i was not smart enough. I believe God.
It’s time for me to move forward. Thank you for the words of encouragement!!!
I believe my Heavenly Father is calling me to a hire place of praise and my husband is afraid. Furthermore..I feel this push…to keep moving. I am at the point of quitting and just settling for the least to get by and I know that is not what God wants for me. It hurts :(.
I’m with you! My husband pastor is limited by fear. It is so frustrating. I don’t feel like we are doing our job and he won’t do anything about it. Im thinking of taking him to a Christian counselor against his will. We are so in the flesh is what I think.
I am a pastor’s wife and I feel God calling me to take on a great role in the ministry along with my husband. I have his full support and encouragement it is my fears of moving that are a hinderance. Thank you for these words of encourgement. It is just the reminder I needed today.
I am a “new pastor’s wife”. My husband is in his 60’s and began his first pastorate June 1. Perhaps because we have had a lot of life behind us it is easier to see just how God has equipped us for this time in our lives and ministry. I would just like to encourage younger women to hang tough and get to know yourself and your husband well. Discover just how God has designed each one of your operating systems. It took my husband and I many years to understand that though we may see and do things differently, we are still on the same team pulling for others to know God.
I am a new pastor’s wife of about 4 months. The journey at times has been very trying and I just feel satan’s attacks every where we turn. I have become a Delilah instead of a Sarah to my husband and I don’t want to be that. It has only been because of God that this marriage is still intact, but it is taking it’s toll. Any advice on how to be a Sarah and make my husband feel secure, loved and that I am 100% behind him?