By Lois Evans
I have now entered what is called the “sandwich generation”—a season where 46 million of us are positioned between the generations of family above and below us. This is a season of empty-nesting, all the while trying to meet the needs of aging parents and growing grandkids.
In the midst of it all, I’m finding this to be a season where I can focus more on my own personal gifts and ministries because of the relative freedom of time I now have. I’m excited because I have the opportunity to pour even more of myself into God’s calling on my life!
With this fresh experience in mind, I want to encourage you with a foundational principle to which we women must hold fast: In every season of life, God’s presence is critical to living out that season to the fullest.
We have to keep our hearts and minds clear to receive His perspective and direction for our lives, as well as His encouragement. We need to “renew our minds” (Romans 12) with God’s viewpoint rather than our own. If not, we will move based on how we feel rather than the leading of the Holy Spirit (John 4:24). Finally, wherever we are on life’s journey, we must keep our eyes and heart on Jesus.
Let’s talk about it:
Are you relying on God’s presence to fully live out your calling in this season?