By Lois Evans
Our Lord’s teaching about prayer is amazing. It is so simple but at the same time so amazingly profound that we are apt to miss His meaning. The danger is to water down what Jesus says about prayer and make it mean something else. Yet, the things Jesus says about prayer are supernatural revelations.
“For your Father knows what you need before you ask Him” (Matt. 6:8). If God sees that my spiritual life will be furthered by giving the things for which I ask, then He will give them, but that is not the end of the prayer. The end of the prayer is that I come to know God Himself. We have to leave ourselves resolutely in God’s hand and launch out into the work of intercession on the basis of faith in the perfect redemption of Jesus.
Prayer is, or should be, a dynamic, vital, vibrant, potent, consistent, controlling, encompassing area in our Christian life. It is the opportunity and open door to communicate directly with the Creator of the universe. Nothing carries as much weight or power as prayer. I encourage you to take all things to God in prayer. He will hear you, and respond.
Let’s talk about it:
How’s your prayer life? Are you consistently spending time in prayer?
Honestly, sometimes I really struggle with consistently spending time in prayer. Then I feel guilty about asking God to help me with a situation because I haven’t been spending time with him all along.
I find that the more I connect with God, the more I want to connect with God. The reverse is true for me as well the less I connect with God the less I want to connect with God.
You can catch Carolyn Leaf on TBN every Tuesday at 11:30 am CST. for the next five week. Great teaching on the mind and the brain. Romans 12:2. God Bless.